Condition of use

Condition of use

About COOKIES and google analytics trackers

In order to allow smooth browsing and optimised display of our site, the site uses cookies. These are files saved on your web browser. Most of the cookies used on this website are necessary for navigation and the correct display of this site, while a few others come from Google Analytics and collect anonymous visit statistics. They are only used to count the number of visits and their behaviour on our site anonymously.

_ga This Google Analytics cookie collects anonymous visitor statistics to improve the accessibility of content, navigation and user experience on the site. Potentially intrusive for your privacy, the deposit of this cookie requires your consent.
_gid Google Analytics cookie that collects anonymous visitor statistics to improve the accessibility of content, navigation and user experience on the site. Potentially intrusive for your privacy, the deposit of this cookie requires your consent.
_gat Cookie from Google Analytics collecting anonymous visit statistics to improve the accessibility of content, navigation and user experience on the site. Potentially intrusive for your privacy, the deposit of this cookie requires your consent.
PHPSESSID Cookie used to store browsing data so that you can move from one page to another without losing any information. It is only used for the proper operation of the site.
rgpd Cookie to help comply with the European Data Protection Regulation (RGPD).
